Pet Egress


Worlds Best doggie door

why pet egress?

An emergency can happen at any time. It is important to plan ahead and be prepared. What if your house was on fire and no one was home? How would your best friend get out? Pet Egress by Egress Pros provides your four-legged family members with a safe way out. Remember the most important part of an escape plan is a way out.

We love our pets. Our pets are an important part of our lives and family. Emergencies come in many different forms. Are you prepared? Some are dangerous such as fire or carbon monoxide poisoning, and others are frustrating such as #1 or #2 on your floor. Whatever the emergency Pet Egress by Egress Pros provides a way out!

Energy Efficiency

Our Saloon style doors are designed to save energy. Each panel is lined with industrial grade weather seal around all four edges to reduce heat & cooling loss

Built to Last

Vinyl flaps rip and fall off. They are also expensive to replace. Our shatter resistant saloon door style panels will never fade, shrink, or crack.


Pet Egress doors are designed to key lock if you choose. When going on a long weekend or vacation Pet Egress offers a 20 gauge steel security plate to lock over the doorway

Peace of Mind

You can leave your best friend home knowing he has a way out, Whatever the emergency your best friend and your flooring will be safe with Pet Egress by Egress Pros


At Egress Pros we understand that your pet is part of your family, and their health and safety is important to us. It is why we have introduced Pet Egress, a quality line of pet doors that allow a means of exit for your pet in an emergency, and a convenient way for them to enjoy your families outdoor space.


Our pet egress doors come in a variety of sizes to accommodate pets both small and large. They are constructed of the highest quality materials available and offer security features for those times when you want to limit access.


One of our Pros will work with you to determine the size best suited for your pet and we will work with you to find the best location on your home for the door to be installed. We will hand the project off to one of our trained technicians to complete the one day installation.

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